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Is it time for an air conditioner repair? Make a call to TAP Heating and Cooling experts to avoid wasting time, money, or additional stress. We offer effective, focused AC repairs that address the root of your AC issue.
We offer a risk-free, 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our repairs. We assist homeowners in all financial and scenario ranges. You should have air conditioning repair services that are completed by a technician the first time they visit. We'll complete the task thanks to our in-depth training, cutting-edge tools, and talented technicians.
The refrigerant that causes your system to blow cold air, Freon, can become low in quantities due to leaks. You cannot just add more refrigerant to your air conditioner if there is a leak and the refrigerant level is low. A technician or HVAC contractor will be necessary to fix the leakage issue once and for all.
Airflow is restricted by dirty filters and coils, which can cause the compressor or fan to fail. With an annual tune-up performed during HVAC service, these issues can be avoided.
This may cause a blown breaker or the unit to lose power. Another major risk of fire is caused by faulty wiring. This will be examined by your HVAC technician or contractor while performing air conditioning service.
A thermostat sensor that is situated behind the control panel is a feature of some air conditioners. The device may begin to behave strangely or enter a state of continuous cycling if the sensor is knocked out of place.
The compressor may overheat in the absence of a functioning fan, which could trip the safety switch or cause significant damage to the compressor.
Faulty wiring, malfunctioning thermostats, and other issues may stop the device from working.
A clogged duct or dirty filter is the most common cause of restricted airflow, which can lead to coil freezing. Another possible cause could be low refrigerant.
Make sure there is no debris clogging your air conditioner that could be causing drainage problems.
Your best bet is to get in touch with an HVAC repair specialist to identify the issue and find a solution if your heat pump or air conditioner exhibits any of the aforementioned problems. Blue takes great satisfaction in providing prompt air conditioning service, so your unit will function properly in no time!
Fill in the form or call to set up a meeting at (513) 673-7966.